Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starring ‘Tiger-3’ has been setting box office records since its release. Actress Katrina Kaif recently revealed how senior action director Sham Kaushal, who happens to be her father-in-law, has reacted to her action scenes in the spy film. She also said that her husband Vicky Kaushal loved the film and the character Zoya played by her in Tiger-3.
Tiger-3 – Sham Kaushal’s reaction to Katrina Kaif’s performance
Katrina Kaif revealed by saying, “The love and support I have got from my family is just so special and overwhelming. Sham Ji, my father-in-law, is a very senior action director, and he was the happiest to hear praises for Zoya’s action scenes. He said, ‘You have made me very proud. Everyone is saying you do action so well. So that was really special and treasurable for me.”
Tiger-3 – Vicky Kaushal’s reaction to the character Zoya played by Katrina
Katrina also added by saying thay Vicky too loved the film a lot. He also said the character of Zoya was well portrayed in the film. It really doesn’t matter if it was a particular actor, but the way the character had an aura and graph that stayed constant throughout the film, was very interesting. Also, the love and support that was received by the film Tiger-3 was really overwhelming and made this Diwali much more special.”
Tiger-3: Role of Katrina Kaif
Although Salman Khan is ruling the film, Katrina Kaif also gave some of the special and action-packed performances through her character Zoya. Talking about playing the character of Zoya in Tiger-3, Katrina said in a statement, “Zoya is the first female spy of the YRF Spy Universe and I’m very proud to play a character like her.
She is fierce, courageous, loyal, and protective and also she is nurturing and above all, she stands up for humanity, every single time.” This character has a very special place in my heart and she also said that it has been an incredible journey playing Zoya in the YRF Spy Universe she has put herself to the test in every film, and the Tiger series is not an exception. In Tiger-3, the action scenes have been taken to a whole new level and people will see that. Physically this has been Katrina’s most challenging film to date.