World Menstrual Hygiene Day (MHD) or MH Day is observed on May 28th of every year. It was started by the German-rooted NGO WASH United in 2013 and its primary goals are to raise awareness about good menstrual hygiene, advocate management programs and policies regarding menstrual health, and educate individuals about the solutions for its effective management.
The theme of 2024 is “Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld.”
History & Objectives of World Menstrual Hygiene Day
Back in 2013, it was started by the German-rooted NGO WASH United by launching a 28 day social media campaign to spread awareness on the subject of menstrual health hygiene. The first observance of the day happened in the year 2014 on 28th of May.
What are its main goals?
i. To address the challenges faced by girls & women during menstruation.
ii. To educate girls and women about innovative solutions to better address menstrual health related challenges.
iii. To actively engage in policy dialogue and advocate menstrual hygiene management into policies and programs.
What is Menstruation?
Menstruation happens every month when the uterine lining sheds and flows out of the vagina in the form of blood. It usually starts at the onset of puberty for girls at the age of 10 to 15 years old.
What can happen due to poor menstrual hygiene?
UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) are infections related to the urinary tract that affect the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. The symptoms of UTIs include frequent urination, burning sensation, fever, chills, etc.
Yeast Infection is a fungal infection that causes itching, burning, and irritation in the genital area. The symptoms include itching, irritation, burning sensation, swelling, and discharge.
Bacterial Vaginosis occurs due to bacterial formation in the genital area from poor hygiene. Its symptoms include an imbalace in pH, irritation, itching and burning sensation.
Hence it is important to manage proper menstrual hygiene to reduce the health risks associated with it.
Tips for menstrual hygiene:
- Drink enough water & eat a balanced diet
- Change sanitary pads at regular intervals.
- Discard used products (pads & tampons) properly.
- Practice self-care & compassion.
- Avoid scented products to maintain the pH balance.
Don’t forget to prioritize Emotional and Mental Health during Period 🩸
For women, menstruation is a stressful process, hence it’s also crucial to take care of emotional as well as mental well-being during the time. Hormonal changes during periods, impact mood and emotions, leading to irritability, sadness, depression, anxiety, and much more. Hence, it is important to give equal care to your mind by practicing self-compassion, mindfulness, and prioritizing self care.
This World Menstrual Hygiene Day, let’s embrace and empower menstruation as a part of life, and educate each other about the importance of menstrual well being.