Fighter Directed by Siddharth Anand and starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoorpromises high-octane aerial action sequences and a gripping story about the Indian Air Force’s elite unit, the Air Dragons. The release of its trailer initiated a major hype among the people as the movie showcased a strong sense of patriotism and India’s unwavering resolve in the face of terrorism.
Fighter Movie – Reason for its Ban
However, the film’s portrayal of the Pulwama attack has drawn criticism from some sections of Pakistan, with several actors accusing it of promoting an “anti-Pakistan narrative” and “cheap hatred.” This criticism, coupled with the film’s sensitive subject matter as it influenced the decision of the Gulf censor boards.
While the specific reasons for the ban haven’t been disclosed yet, it is likely a combination of the film’s sensitive subject matter and concerns over potential political backlash in certain Gulf countries. The UAE stands as of now the only exception to the ban. Despite the setback, Fighter remains a highly anticipated film in India, with fans eagerly awaiting its release on Republic Day. The film’s impressive visuals, action sequences, and star-studded cast are expected to draw large crowds to theatres across the country.