People undergo the process of healing in a very different manner where they start to notice gradual and small changes in their behaviour patterns perspectives, opinions and the way they perceive certain things. Healing is a healthier process of nature where responses are real and genuine.
The healing process has significant and impactful changes in the behaviour and health of an individual, their reactions and how they perceive things around them. The phase of healing is very natural and makes them feel better about themselves.
Let’s have a look at some healing responses that a person might go through.
Healing process – Capable of disappointing people
During the process of healing people start to realise that it is not easy to please everyone and is not everyone’s cup of tea. Prioritizing oneself becomes more important than pleasing others and learning to accept that not everyone will be happy with us.
Multiple realities
As people start to heal they also begin to realise that there is the existence of multiple realities around them and not only the one that they are inclined to. Just because they cannot understand other people’s reality does not mean that they are not right.
Being normal is not real
Being normal is a stereotype set up by the so-called Society that makes everyone believe that whatever the majority is seeking is only right and to be followed. As people start to heal, they also start to see the reality of things and understand that normal can also be dysfunctional and unhealthy.
Taking care of oneself
During the healing process, people accept the fact that taking care of oneself is more important than anything else in this world. If you are healthy and happy then definitely you can make others happier and satisfied. One should take care of one’s body and the mind, before anything else.
Comfortable in one’s own company
As people heal they start to enjoy their own company and spend more time with themselves rather than wasting time doing things that they do not enjoy. They begin to stay at home and engage themselves in doing something productive.
Crying more
Healing makes one deal with their emotions and feelings rather than suppressing them. They learn to cry rather than hide their tears, and this makes them more vulnerable and stronger than ever.