Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s third film “Animal” starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandana, Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol will hit the theatres on the 1st of December and will undoubtedly be Reddy’s biggest blockbuster till now. The cast of “Animal” flew down to Hyderabad for the pre-release event that will see Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli in attendance. Ahead of the event, the team took part in a press meet where they spoke about everything from the film to their personal lives.
Get a glimpse of the first look of Animal.
Ranbir Kapoor loved coming to Hyderabad
In the promotional event of “Animal”, Ranbir Kapoor revealed that he loves coming to Hyderabad as the first autograph that he gave to one of his fans was in Hyderabad. “I love coming to Hyderabad, the first autograph I ever gave was here while promoting Saawariya. I want to be the adopted son of Telugu states,” he said. To this, Anil Kapoor replied from today you will be called RK Rao. Ranbir even wanted to dub in Telugu for the role, but Sandeep didn’t like his accent.
Ranbir Kapoor said he wanted to stay at Home
He also revealed that he wanted to stay home with his daughter Raha. “I wish I didn’t have to act, but I do because it’s my passion”, he added. Ranbir further said, “I lost my father recently and anyone who loses their parent feels that they didn’t have enough time together. My father was always travelling. I respected him and his profession but we were never friendly. But I’m glad I have a daughter to love. When God takes away something, he also gives something back.”
Rashmika Mandana on DeepFakes
Rashmika in the promotional event also opened up on her recent Deepfake video where her face was morphed with an influencer. “Deepfakes have been around for a while and we’ve normalised them but it isn’t okay,” she said. She also said that the support she received from the film fraternity was really overwhelming. I understand now how important it is to speak up. I want to urge women to get the help they need when it happens.
Read more about Rashmika Mandana’s Deep Fake video and how Bollywood celebrities reacted to it.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s words for his film Animal
Reddy once narrated scripts to Mahesh Babu, Prabhas, Allu Arjun and others. Out of those, two of the projects have been officially announced. But the rumours were there that Animal was first offered to Mahesh Babu, to which Sandeep speaks up and says, “The script I narrated to Mahesh is called Devil. He liked it but our schedules didn’t align. It’s similar only in terms of violence but it’s not the same film.”